Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Look. Listen. Consider.

Dear friends and family; co-workers, customers, and acquaintances; those I have known for years and those I have only recently had opportunity to meet:

As the first video post of our new blog, Manning Sojourner, I want to share with you the most profound and wonderful news in all of the world using the EvangeCube as a visual aid. The EvangeCube is an engaging and simple tool that is used all over the world.

The photo shows a boy from Burkina Faso, West Africa sharing the EvangeCube with a couple of his friends. To find out more about the EvangeCube, please click on the e3resources link at the upper right of this page under "Useful Resources."

I have longed to share this message with you, and I look forward to hearing from you, answering any questions I can, and engaging in conversation with you around the most important decision you will ever make. Thank you for being someone who has been or currently is in my life. I care about you and pray that you will seriously look, listen, and consider what I have to share with you in this video. Thank you for time!


Edward Manning